Starts 17th October (Warner & Online)

Mark Bromley will be presenting a series of bible teachings over 6 Thursday evenings beginning on October 17th at 7:30pm. He will be sharing from the Emerge Warner location and would love to have you attend in person however, the teachings will also be streamed via private YouTube link to anyone who can't attend in person.

In previous years Mark has presented teachings on Apologetics, defending the faith, however, this time he wants to share more of his heart rather than his head.

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you”. PEACE through Grace is the theme for these six teachings. Here is Mark's overview of the studies:

1. My first lecture is titled Who is Jesus, a teaching on the divinity of Christ and his relationship with the Father and Holy Spirit. This will bring you Peace of Spirit

2. Secondly, I will share a teaching on The Gospel – Faith or Fear. I want to encourage believers in their security of eternal life as promised by Jesus. This will bring you Peace of Heart

3. Next, I’ll share some thoughts on Walking in the Spirit. How to overcome temptation, carry the cross and live a sanctified life that is pleasing to God. This will bring Peace of Conscience

4. The next teaching will cover Prayer & Meditation and share with you some pointers on how to pray and meditate according to Scripture. This will bring you Peace in His Presence

5. Not to completely leave out apologetics, I plan to deliver one lecture titled Why I’m not an Atheist. This will bring you Peace of Mind.

6. Finally, I will conclude with a teaching on the single biggest event of human history namely The Return of Christ. This will bring you Peace for the Future.

Mark is greatly looking forward to sharing with you all, and trust that you will be encouraged and grow to love Jesus more.