Gathering together as the women of Emerge Church


Emerge Women love to gather and we would love to invite you along. We want to welcome you and help you connect with other women to walk alongside through life. At our gatherings, we want to encourage you and stir you up to go back out into your world and shine brightly for Jesus.

If you need any other information or have questions, please don't hesitate to get in contact.


Our regular women's connect catchups, where we share coffee and time together. It's open to all women, all ages. Hosted at White Horse Ranch Cafe, Albany Creek, from 9:30-11am. We'd love to see you there!

3rd April

15th May

26th June

7th August

18th September

30th October

11th December

Check out the Facebook Group for more ways to connect: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2190147377752058/?mibextid=W9rl1R

Contact: Bernadette Macnaught on [email protected] for more info.